What We Do

Empowering Communities, Building Resilience

  • Community-Led Approach

    At the heart of our initiatives is a community-led approach, where local stakeholders are actively involved in the planning, implementation, and management of our projects. This ensures that the solutions we provide are tailored to the specific needs and context of each community.

  • Empowered Livelihoods

    By creating income-generating activities, we empower the most vulnerable members of society, particularly youth and women, to become self-reliant and break the cycle of poverty. This not only improves their immediate well-being but also builds long-term resilience within the community.

  • Sustainable Food

    We prioritise food security and sustainable farming practices within communities around by implementing holistic initiatives that encompass education, capacity building, and community empowerment. By fostering the establishment of community-led agricultural projects and promoting income-generating activities that complement agricultural production, we enhance social cohesion, economic empowerment, and access to nutritious food.

Project Selection

We are dedicated to selecting projects that have a meaningful and lasting impact on the communities we serve. Our meticulous project selection process ensures that we prioritise rural and poor regions, identify aligned partners, and foster community ownership and empowerment every step of the way

  • We start by focusing our attention on rural and economically disadvantaged regions where the need for support is most acute. These communities often lack access to essential resources and face numerous challenges in meeting their basic needs.

  • Next, we identify communities or organisations that share Maisha Marefu's objectives and have the capacity to collaborate effectively with us. We seek partners who are committed to sustainable development and have a genuine desire to create positive change in their communities.

  • Before initiating any projects, we conduct a thorough assessment of the community's strengths, resources, and objectives. This process allows us to better understand the community's needs and aspirations, as well as their capacity to actively participate in and benefit from the project.

  • We believe in empowering communities to take ownership of their own development. Through mobilisation efforts and facilitated self-assessment sessions, we encourage community members to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This participatory approach fosters a sense of ownership and accountability, ensuring that the project reflects the community's priorities and values

  • Based on the community's self-assessment and input, we collaborate with them to develop a comprehensive action plan. This plan outlines specific goals, activities, timelines, and responsibilities, guiding the implementation of the project in a transparent and organised manner.